Leading Edge
Blockchain Security & Smart Contract Auditing

Industry Leading Security Research and Auditing

Less than 3 hour response time
Trusted by industry leading platforms
Verida Network Logo
"Hashlock are a fantastic team that go the extra mile to provide a world class audit service. Highly recommended." Chris Were - CEO of Verida Network
Verida Network Logo
Redbelly Network: The World's Only Public Purpose-Built
Real-World Asset Tokenisation Network
Verida Network Logo
The leading native liquid staking DeFi dApp on the Astar Network
Verida Network Logo
The cutting-edge L1 decentralized blockchain platform offering X-Talk interoperability,
scalability, speed, and security
Verida Network Logo
5ireChain:The fifth-generation blockchain creating the shift from a for-profit to a for-benefit paradigm.
> $1.3B
Total Currently Secured on Chain

We assign our proven auditors with competition & bug bounty portfolios relevant to each project.

Initial Consultation
Hashlock engages the client to learn about their specifc blockchain application and security needs.
Smart contract blockchain code
Project Scoping
Hashlock reviews the code and technology to scope the audit or security service to provide a quote and timeline.
Blockchain Cybersecurity quoting
Preliminary Report
Hashlock Privately Communicates our Findings in a Private Report.

This closed source preliminary report contains all vulnerabilities found, and the recommended fixes to mitigate them.

Example result:

Hashlock Found:
2 Critical Severity Vulnerabilities
4 High Severity Vulnerabilities
8 Medium Severity Vulnerabilities
18 Low Severity Vulnerabilities
22 Gas Optimisation Issues

Hashlock Audit Findings
Vulnerability Revisions
Revision Stage

Hashlock re-audits the codebase to ensure all findings have been resolved or acknoweldged, and asssures no new vulnerabilities have been implemented.

Hashlock Rating
Final Audit Report
Hashlock's final report can be made public at the clients discretion. If all vulnerabilities are successfully mitigated, this will result in a secure rating.

We assure all vulnerabilities are fixed so that the project can be secured.

Smart contract audit cover page
Promotion and Verification
Hashlock can promote the audit on various digital platforms to establish that the project is secure.
Audit promotion
Ongoing Support
Hashlock assists with active security services such as on-chain monitoring, bug bounty management, upgradeable security, and much more.
On chain monitoring bot

Public Audit Spotlights